The Timpanogos Singer/Songwriter Alliance

Swap Meet

Our 2008 Summer compilation is a nominee for an FCMA Pearl Award in the category of Contemporary Compilation Albums.

Hot Apple Cider

Renewing our tradition of Christmas Releases, Hot Apple cider serves up 14 fresh holiday tracks from some of the Wasatch Front's finest.


Summer release in conjunction with the 2005 Provo Freedom Festival.

Summer Rain

Our fifth compilation of artists featured at during the 2004 Festival days.

Music Shoppe

We're proud to announce our fourth annual Christmas compilation, Music Shoppe -- fifteen fine tracks from among Utah's best artists.

You're Getting Warmer

Our 2003 summer release You're Getting Warmer broke new ground, marking the first TSSA compilation consisting entirely of previously unreleased material.

Best of TSSA

From its birth in the early months of 2000 through the end of 2002, TSSA produced and released six acclaimed compilation CDs, one each July and each December. During the summer of 2003, in addition to our traditional Freedom Festival release, we releaseed the Best of TSSA -- a selection of sixteen favored tracks from artists who have appeared on our compilations.

I Can See My Breath

Our sixth compilation CD, continuing a three year winter tradition of bringing together holiday music by some of Utah's best.

Sidewalk Serenade

Released in conjunction with the Arts Fest 2002, Sidewalk Serenade recently recieved the distinction of winning in the Compilation Album category at the 2003 Pearl Awards.

Music Box

Our second holiday-themed compilation CD, released in conjunction with our December 2001 concert series.

Strictly Barefoot

"Take your shoes off and enjoy a walk through the fresh cut songs of Utah's prolific crop of talented singer/songwriters...."

"Strictly Barefoot... sets itself apart from the mediocrity of sampler albums by rewarding the first time listener with moments of joyful discovery.... A creative new song by Julie de Azevedo, 'I Can't Count the Stars,' made a sneak preview here prior to its late August release on Julie's release of Hello Sky. The clean acoustic guitar work and expressive vocals of newcomer Joey Dempster proves to be one of the great finds on this CD.... Sofina offers up the inventive tune 'Rum' anchored by a comfortably smooth bass and percussion groove..."

"...The album opens with familiar tracks by Cherie Call, Colors, and Shane Jackman. Julia Davis Allen appears on track five with an absolutely spellbinding ballad titled 'Carry Me.' Her ability to convey the emotional content of the song is inspiring..."

"If you have been curious as to the state of the popular music art along the Wasatch Front, you owe yourself a copy of this unusual collection... The album Strictly Barefoot is an eye-opening compilation."

-- Meridian Magazine, Aug 12, 2001

A Timpanogos Christmas

Our second compilation CD, released December 2000.

Bottlerockets and Lemonade

Our debut compilation CD, released in conjunction with the TSSA performances at Provo's Freedom Festival 2000.

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